2022年9月20日 星期二

國葬儀式結束 英女王長眠溫莎城堡聖喬治教堂

2022年9月20日 週二 上午12:06

英國女王伊莉莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)8日辭世,享耆壽96歲,國葬在倫敦西敏寺舉行,有上百位國家元首齊聚倫敦。女王1947年在西敏寺成婚,1953年在西敏寺舉行加冕儀式,最後也在這裡向大眾告別,象徵一個時代的落幕。


  • 17:44 女王靈柩從西敏廳移往西敏寺

  • 18:00 國葬儀式開始

  • 18:55 全英國將進行2分鐘默哀

  • 19:00 國葬儀式結束

  • 19:15 女王棺木移往溫莎城堡

  • 22:00 抵達溫莎城堡

  • 02:30(9/20)女王埋葬在英王喬治六世紀念教堂

女王靈柩於台北時間晚間8時30分許抵達威靈頓拱門後,再次由一組擲彈兵衛隊女王連(The Queen's Company, First Battalion Grenadier Guards)抬起靈柩放上靈車,開往倫敦以西、女王生前鐘愛的溫莎城堡(Windsor Castle)。夾道觀禮群眾幾乎陷入靜默,聚精會神感受著,向女王致以哀思。

女王將安葬於聖喬治教堂(St. George's Chapel),長眠於夫婿菲立普親王(Prince Philip)身旁。




Pictured: The State Gun Carriage, which was pulled by 142 Naval Ratings carrying the coffin of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II moves along the Procession route, up Constitution Hill.    The UK Armed Forces have played a part in the procession for Her Majesty The Queen?s funeral and committal service today, in London and Windsor.    Marking the end to 10 days of proceedings, service personnel representing a variety of regiments, ships and air stations that held a special relationship with Her Majesty The Queen took part in the funeral processions in London and Windsor.    Around 4,000 regular and reserve soldiers, sailors, marines and aviators, as well as musicians from Armed Forces bands, took part in the proceedings today. This included over 3,000 military personnel in central London, with 1,650 personnel forming part of the procession from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey and procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch.    In Windsor, over 1,000 military personnel were involved in ceremonial activity, including 410 taking part in the procession from Albert Road, Windsor, to St George?s Chapel, Windsor Castle.    Cpl Tim Hammond/Pool via REUTERS

Pictured: The Bearer Party, formed of personnel from The Queen?s Company, 1st Battalion The Grenadier Guards, transfer the coffin of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II from The State Gun Carriage.    The UK Armed Forces have played a part in the procession for Her Majesty The Queen?s funeral and committal service today, in London and Windsor.    Marking the end to 10 days of proceedings, service personnel representing a variety of regiments, ships and air stations that held a special relationship with Her Majesty The Queen took part in the funeral processions in London and Windsor.    Around 4,000 regular and reserve soldiers, sailors, marines and aviators, as well as musicians from Armed Forces bands, took part in the proceedings today. This included over 3,000 military personnel in central London, with 1,650 personnel forming part of the procession from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey and procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch.    In Windsor, over 1,000 military personnel were involved in ceremonial activity, including 410 taking part in the procession from Albert Road, Windsor, to St George?s Chapel, Windsor Castle.    Cpl Tim Hammond/Pool via REUTERS

女王靈柩於台北時間晚間8時30分許抵達威靈頓拱門後,再次由一組擲彈兵衛隊女王連(The Queen's Company, First Battalion Grenadier Guards)抬起靈柩放上靈車。(路透社)
Members of the public on The Mall in central London listen to the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, held at Westminster Abbey, London. Picture date: Monday September 19, 2022. Zac Goodwin/Pool via REUTERS


台灣時間19時,國喪儀式結束,女王靈柩轉往倫敦近郊溫莎城堡(Windsor Castle)。



台灣時間18時許,女王靈柩抵達西敏寺,國葬典禮開始。葬禮由西敏寺座堂主任牧師大衛·霍伊爾(David Hoyle)主持,英國坎特布里大主教威爾比(Justin Welby)講道與主持託付禮(commendation)。

大英國協秘書長史考蘭德(Patricia Scotland)和英國首相特拉斯(Liz Truss)領導讀經。最後由主任牧師大衛·霍伊爾宣告祝福。

British Prime Minister Liz Truss speaks, on the day of the state funeral and burial of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, at Westminster Abbey in London, Britain, September 19, 2022.   REUTERS/Phil Noble/Pool




伊麗莎白公主與丈夫菲立普.蒙巴頓(Philip Mountbatten)1947年婚禮上的聖歌,也在英女王的葬禮上出現。


「王室禁衛騎兵團」(Household Cavalry)奏起輓歌「最後崗位」(The Last Post)後,西敏寺和全英國進行2分鐘默哀,宣告儀式結束。


LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: A general view inside Westminster Abbey ahead of the State Funeral f Queen Elizabeth II on September 19, 2022 in London, England. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street, Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 and ascended the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952 after the death of her Father, King George VI. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III.      Gareth Cattermole/Pool via REUTERS


當地時間上午10時44分,(台灣時間17時44分)女王橡木靈柩被護送放置在百年歷史的火砲車架上,由皇家海軍護送移駐西敏寺(Westminster Abbey)舉行國葬,王室成員都在靈柩後方步行跟隨。包括查理三世、安妮公主,以及安德魯和愛德華王子,女王的4名子女都來送母親最後一程。

女王靈柩覆蓋著皇家旗(Royal Standard),是英國君主在英國、王室屬地和英國海外領土作為元首的象徵旗幟。靈柩上擺放著帝國王冠(Imperial State Crown)、十字聖球和權杖。



Britain's King Charles, Britain's Anne, Princess Royal, Prince Harry and Peter Phillips attend the state funeral and burial of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, at Parliament Square in London, Britain, September 19, 2022.   REUTERS/Sarah Meyssonnier/Pool


美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)稍早進入葬禮現場。加拿大總理杜魯多(Justin Trudeau)、日本德仁天皇等也參與,若計入眷屬、隨行官員,外國賓客總數約500人。除了各國元首政要,估計有數十萬名哀悼民眾湧入首都,送女王最後一程,是倫敦史上最大規模的維安工作。

The funeral of Her Majesty the Queen at Westminster Abbey - picture shows Joe Biden President of United States   September 19, 2022.    Geoff Pugh/Pool via REUTERS


女王安葬於聖喬治教堂(St. George’s Chapel),長眠於夫婿菲立普親王(Prince Philip)身旁。而英舉國哀悼期將在20日結束,新任英王查爾斯三世簽署命令,將國葬當天定為國定假日。
